Anna's Hummingbird



Plumage / Description

Male have a deep magenta-red iridescent color that encompasses the whole head, both above and below the beak. The back is green, the flanks have a wash of a lighter green color. Female's are green on the back, lack any magenta color on the head, but they do have a small spot of magenta color on the throat area.Habitat: Widely distributed in a variety of habitats including residential areas, riparian areas, scrub oak, pinyon/juniper and even into ponderosa pine habitats.


Male have a deep magenta-red iridescent color that encompasses the whole head, both above and below the beak. The back is green, the flanks have a wash of a lighter green color. Female's are green on the back, lack any magenta color on the head, but they do have a small spot of magenta color on the throat area.Habitat: Widely distributed in a variety of habitats including residential areas, riparian areas, scrub oak, pinyon/juniper and even into ponderosa pine habitats.

Relative Abundance

Common spring and summer, uncommon in winter.


Nectar and Insect eater. Our most vocal hummingbird species, males sing extensively. Frequents hummingbird feeders.


Nectar, sugar water, insects, spiders.

Similar Species

Other hummingbird species that occur in this area (Black-chinned, Broad-billed, etc.)

Best Sites

Watson Woods, Granite Creek Park, Strikland Park, residential areas